Friday, 7 November 2008

Organism project update

The main interface was intended to be Flash based as shown in the file
TRACY office anno.jpg
No.1 is the funtion to exit the program.
No.2 is the list of stored "suspects"
No.3 is the "reply" function (styled as a typewriter)
No.4 is where the PI would answer the telephone ( Incoming Mail)

Unfortunately i have been unable to produce a working interface
in time

Bruce Eckel has some interesting thoughts

This blog has definitely improved my awareness of the "situation" surrounding the web design community and despite being almost two years old it raises some interesting points that could still be hot topics in today's climate.

Organism project update

I found the solution to my connection problem! One little change to my code ( Literally adding an s on the end of Pop3) has allowed me to connect to the mail server and testing has found the spam in my dummy emails!


Properties props = System.getProperties();
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);

store = session.getStore("pop3");

store.connect(popServer, popUser, popPassword);
folder = store.getDefaultFolder();


Properties props = System.getProperties();

Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop
s, null);
store = session.getStore("pop3s");
store.connect(popServer, popUser, popPassword);

folder = store.getDefaultFolder();

I am so happy :) this has been bugging me for days.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Organism project pop3 info

Organism project update

I have downloaded some sound clips to serve as alerts / background music etc for my flash GUI.

These files are from a popular game (Team Fortress 2) which is an american cartoon stylised first person shooter for the pc.

Organism project update

Java coding is definitely more complicated than I first thought.

I have "borrowed" the source code for a mail application with the intention of modifying it to interact with my flash GUI and i have managed to get the mail app to work... to a degree. unfortunately i have come acropper with the code because although it appears to work there are some connection issues between my computer and the mail server.

here is my mailreader

package mailproject;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.sf.classifier4J.*;
import net.sf.classifier4J.bayesian.*;

import net.sf.classifier4J.summariser.*;
public class MailReader
public static void main(String[] args)

String popServer="";
String popUser="ss.tybs";
String popPassword="xenophobe1";
GetMail(popServer, popUser, popPassword);

catch (Exception e)

public static void GetMail(String popServer, String popUser, String popPassword)
Store store=null;
Folder folder=null;
String strEmail = "";
double dSpamScore = 0.0;
Properties props = System.getProperties();

Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
store = session.getStore("pop3");
store.connect(popServer, popUser, popPassw
folder = store.getDefaultFolder();
if (folder == null) throw new Exception("No default folder");
folder = folder.getFolder("INBOX");
if (folder == null) throw new Exception("No POP3 INBOX");;
Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages();
for (int nMsg = 0; nMsg < stremail =" buildMessage(msgs[nMsg]);" strsumm =" getSummary(strEmail,3);">
m.out.println(strSumm); dSpamScore = checkSpam(strEmail); //dSpamScore = checkSpamWithBayes(strEmail); if(dSpamScore > 0.7)
System.out.println("SPAM DETECTED:");
catch (Exception e)

if (folder!=null) folder.close(false);
if (store!=null) store.close();
catch (Exception e2)

public static String buildMessage(Message message)

String strReturn = "";
String from=((InternetAddress)message.getFrom()[0]).getPersonal();
if (from==null) from=((InternetAddress)message.getFrom()[0]).getAddress();
strReturn += "FROM: " + from;

String subject=message.getSubject();
strReturn += "SUBJECT: "+subject;
Part messagePart=message;
Object content=messagePart.getContent();
if (content instanceof Multipart)
strReturn += "[ Multipart Message ]";

String contentType=messagePart.getContentType();
strReturn += "CONTENT:"+contentType;
if (contentType.startsWith("text/plain")|| contentType.startsWith("text/html"))
InputStream is = messagePart.getInputStream();
BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(n
ew InputStreamReader(is));
String thisLine=reader.readLine();
while (thisLine!=null)
strReturn +=thisLine;
catch (Exception ex)
return strReturn;

public static double checkSpam(String strEmailBody)
double dClassification = 0.0;
SimpleClassifier classifier = new SimpleClassifier();
classifier.setSearchWord( "belgium" );
dClassification = classifier.classify(strEmailBod
catch(Exception e)

return dClassification;
public static double checkSpamWithBayes(String strEmailBody)
double dReturn = 0.0;

IWordsDataSource wds = new SimpleWordsDataSource();
IClassifier classifier = new BayesianClassifier(
dReturn = classifier.classify(strEmailBody);
catch(Exception e)

return dReturn;
public static String getSummary(String strEmailBody, int nSentences)
ISummariser summ = new SimpleSummariser();
String strSumm = summ.summarise(strEmailBody,nSentences);
return strSumm;

and here is what happens when i run it:

annoying to say the least!

Another issue i can't fathom to work around is jdeveloper does not work on my vista laptop! Upon which flash is installed and any hope of me combining the two parts of the organism. :(

Monday, 3 November 2008

Organism project update

I have scanned in my workbook to show the processes worked upon in the last few weeks. These include sketches of the process tree i expect from my organism.

I am working on applying these processes with java code. This way i can have a working format and work on the GUI later.

So these pages from my sketchbook show the thought processes behind the program's functionality... and that i think Jeff Han is a ninja....

Erm... 4shot espresso please!

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